For those clients that do not want to work project to project, Tripine Creative has developed a unique and simple retainer program (starting as low as $1250 a month). It was created for clients that need that creative marketing spark, but can not justify the salary, benefits, equipment, training, and costs associated with hiring a permanent designer or designers in-house.

How does it work? It’s simple. If a client has contracted for fifteen hours a month at $115/hr. then that client has the creative on-call accessibility to all of Tripine Creative talents in digital marketing, graphic design, social media, SEO/web analytics, copywriting, website development and updating, digital video production, and much, much more – up to those fifteen hours.

All retainer contracts are reviewable every six months and can be adjusted up or down in costs, according to hours performed.  Hours can not be carried over from month to month. A 60 day cancellation policy is required to discontinue this simple retainer program.

No salaries. No benefits. No vacation days. No attitude.  Contact Tripine Creative today to evaluate your digital creative marketing needs.

Creative Retainer


Tripine Creative will base your retainer program on a discounted monthly rate of hours to be used. That amount is then billed upon the first of every month. (Out-of-pocket expenses billed additionally.) You will receive four marketing designers/experts from Tripine Creative for half the price of a full time in-house Graphic Designer.

Ready to Talk?